Carotenoid Complex

Protect your cells – Carotenoid Complex

Background: Carotenoids first took center-stage as protector nutrients in the mid 1970’s when researchers at the US Department of Health and Human Services and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) identified their role in reducing the risk of disease25. National Cancer Institute researcher Regina Ziegler went on to reveal its connection to lung cancer prevention in 198626, and then showed a lower risk of cancer in those with the highest dietary intake of fruit and vegetable-derived carotenoids27,28. The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) and other studies at the time found carotenoids also functioned in heart health and reduced the risk of heart disease29,30. Proof of benefit soon expanded to include eye health and visual acuity31 and immune function32.

GNLD Research: Research conducted on GNLD’s Carotenoid Complex has spanned more than 15 years. It started with the first ever proof of bioavailability of whole food-derived carotenoids33,34. USDA researchers went on to reaffirm its bioavailability and then demonstrated its cardio-protective35,36 and cellular protective powers37. This was followed by two more studies conducted by the USDA researchers showing Carotenoid Complex’s beneficial effects on immune capacity38,39. In 2001, GNLD researchers reaffirmed bioavailability across an even broader spectrum of dietary carotenoids40.

Latest Findings: Evidence supporting the importance of carotenoid intake for health benefits continues to mount. Concern by leading health authorities over insufficient carotenoid consumption has resulted in campaigns to increase awareness for higher levels of carotenoid intake41,42.

Heart and cardiovascular health: A 2004 study conducted by a team at the Harvard Medical School found that men in the top quintile with higher levels of serum carotenoids (including alphacarotene, beta-carotene, lycopene, lutein, and beta-cryptoxanthin) had a 40% decreased risk of ischemic stroke than those with the lowest serum levels.43 Similarly, a 2008 study of 559 men showed that increased intake of alpha and beta carotene from carrots equated to a 17% reduction in risk of cardiovascular (CVD) death.44 Swedish researchers in 2006 correlated consistently lower levels of the carotenoids lutein, zeaxanthin, and beta cryptoxanthin with coronary artery disease occurrence. The healthy controls had significantly higher levels of these carotenoids in their blood45.

Prostate health: Since the early nineties, scientific research has reported a connection between the carotenoid Lycopene and prostate cancer risk reduction. One study showed that Lycopene (from tomatoes) present in the diet 4 to 5 times per week, attributed to a 25% reduction in prostate cancer risk. The 2-year study found that an 82% increase in blood Lycopene levels corresponded with a 42% decrease in prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels46.

Immune health: Swedish researchers in 2001 observed higher levels of natural killer cells (NK cells) in people with higher levels of these carotenoids, confirming the relationship between dietary carotenoid intake, immune capacity and health.

Vision health: In a 48-week intervention trial, researchers tested Lutein supplementation for vision protective-function in patients with retinitis pigmentosa (RP). They concluded: “Comparing the development of vision measures against the natural loss expected to occur over the course of the 48 weeks, most measures showed reduced decline, and these reductions were significant for normal illumination”47.

Mental performance: A2007 French study48 showed a connection between carotenoids and cognitive performance in a healthy elderly population. Study author Tasnime Akbaraly states “In this study, low levels of specific plasma carotenoids (lycopene and zeaxanthin) were associated to poor cognitive functioning in a highly educated, community-dwelling elderly population”.

Inflammatory health: A 2005 UK study by Cambridge University49 researchers showed that study subjects with the highest (top one third) daily intake of beta-cryptoxanthin had only about one-half the risk of developing polyarthritis than those in the bottom one-third. Researchers commented that even modest increases in beta-cryptoxanthin intake were associated with a significantly reduced risk of developing inflammatory disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis.

Pro Vitality Nutrition – Whole Food Nutrition for Lifelong Health and Vitality… in convenient, on-the-go packets

In my next post, we will look at another GNLD product that can help solve this health crisis:

Omega-III Salmon Oil Plus – Balance & Regulate your cells

In my previous post, we looked at another GNLD product that can help solve this health crisis:

Tre-en-en Grain Concentrates – Feed your cells

Carotenoid Complex – Protect your cells



26 Ziegler, R. G., et al; Carotenoid intake, vegetables, and the risk of lung cancer among white men in New Jersey; 1986, American Journal of Epidemiology, 123:1080-1093

27 Ziegler, R. G., A review of epidemiologic evidence that carotenoids reduce the risk of cancer. 1989. Journal of Nutrition. 119:116-122

28 Ziegler, R. G., Vegetables, Fruits, and carotenoids and the risk of cancer. 1991. Am. Jour. Clin. Nutr. 53:251S-259S

29 Verlangieri, A. J. et al; Fruit and vegetable consumption and cardiovascular disease mortality. 1985. Medical Hypothesis. 16:7-15

30 Rimm, E. B., et al: Dietary intake and risk of coronary heart disease in men. 1993, New England Journal of Medicine. 328:1450-1456

31 Knekt, P., et al; Serum antioxidant vitamins and risk of cataract. 1992. British Medical Journal. 305:1392-1394

32 Carotenoids in Human Health, 1993. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 691:61-67

33 Carughi, A. & Hooper, FG. Plasma carotenoid concentrations beore and after supplementation with a carotenoid mixture. 1993. Annals of the New York

Academy of Sciences. 691:244-245

34 Carughi, A., Hooper, FG.; Plasma carotenoids before and after supplementation with a carotenoid mixture; American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1994; Volume 59, pages 896-9

35 Z Dixon, B Burri, J Erdman, et al ; Effects of a carotene-deficient diet on measures of oxidative susceptibility and superoxide dismutase activity in adult women;; Free Radical Biology & Medicine, Volume 17, Number 6, pages 537-44

36 Y Lin, B Burri, et al; Effects of low dietary carotene intake on oxidative susceptibility in women; FASEB Journal, Volume 10, Number 3, page A478, April 1996

37 Z Dixon, B Burri, et al; Effect of low carotene diet on malondialdehyde (MDA) concentration; FASEB Journal, Volume 10, Number 3, page A240, April 1996

38 T Kramer, B Burri, et al; Carotenoid-flavonoid modulated immune response in women; FASEB Journal, Volume 9, Number 3, page A170, April 1995

39 T Kramer, B Burri, et al; Modulated mitogenic proliferative responsiveness of lymphocytes in whole-blood culture after a low-carotene diet and mixed carotenoid supplementation in women; American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

1997, Volume 65, pages 871-5

40 Carughi, A., Omaye, S., Furst, A.; Plasma carotenoid response to supplementation of a mix of fruits and vegetables; Proceedings of Experimental Biology, March 31 – April 4, 2001



43 Stroke. 2004; 35:1584-1588

44 2008, Journal of Nutrition: February, 138:344-350.

45 2006. Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Disease.Published on-line: doi: 10.1016/numecd.2006.02.006

46 Urological Oncology (vol. 23, pp. 383-385)

47 Ophthalmology (BMC Ophthalmology 2006, 6:23)

48 The Journal of Gerontology: Medical Science; 2007; 3:308-316

Tre-en-en Grain Concentrates

Feed your cells – Tre-en-en Grain Concentrates

Background: We first discovered the important role lipids play as building blocks for our cell membranes in 192513. By the 1950’s researchers realized that the cell membrane not only served as a mechanism to separate the inside of the cell from the outside, but also functioned as a highly selective filter that facilitated transport systems controlling nutrient entry and waste removal14. From that point, we began to recognize the importance of specific lipids in membrane function, energy production and metabolite secretion (biochemicals manufactured in cells; i.e.; hormones, enzymes)15.

GNLD Research: In the mid-1950s, a group of Southern California doctors investigating the possible causes of patient-reported ‘chronic fatigue’ drew a connection between the absence of whole grain dietary lipids and reduced cellular energy production. This research led to the concept of lipid supplementation made from whole grain wheat, rice and soy, as a solution to ‘chronic fatigue’. This gave rise to GNLD’s Tre-en-en Grain Concentrates. In the years that followed, Tre-en-en’s beneficial effects on cell membrane structure and function were further confirmed. The most compelling demonstration of the positive effects of the lipids and sterols in Tre-en-en Grain Concentrates was in a study conducted at Texas A & M University in 1987. This study compared the effects of Tre-en-en use in the test group to a control group. The results were dramatic16.

Latest Findings: The significance of the key role whole grain lipids and sterols play in cellular structure and function, and in human health overall, continues to be supported by even more recent scientific publications and government-funded awareness campaigns. A 1998 study of 34,000 women showed whole grain nutrition had a strong cardio-protective effect17. A component of the 1999 Nurse’s Health Study (a survey of 75,000 nurses) showed regular whole grain consumption lowered the risk of heart disease by 25% and stroke by 36%18. Another study from 2000 published in the Journal of the American Medical Association showed nearly a 50% reduction in ischemic stroke risk for people who normally consumed whole grain products19. Whole grain nutrients and the importance of lipids and sterols continue to be a strong focus point for nutritional research20.

Here are a few more examples: A May 2005 article in Human Nutrition & Metabolism identified whole grain oils, now nearly devoid from the average diet, as anticancer dietary components21. Two studies conducted in 200522,23 demonstrated the unique benefits of rice bran oil in cholesterol reduction. A 2007 meta-analysis study (a study of an accumulation of evidence)24 concluded that the need for whole grain nutrition is so acute in the population that government efforts to promote awareness should be doubled. The researchers further concluded that the process of refining grains removed many biologically active agents, including fiber, vitamins, minerals, lipids, sterols and other compounds. “These biological agents influence cardiovascular risk through effects on glucose metabolism, lipids, lipoproteins, endothelial function, and other mechanisms, potentially accounting for much of the observed benefit of high intake of whole grains” wrote lead author Phillip Mellen of Wake Forest University.

Pro Vitality Nutrition – Whole Food Nutrition for Lifelong Health and Vitality… in convenient, on-the-go packets

In my next posts, we will look at other GNLD products that can help solve this health crisis:

Omega-III Salmon Oil Plus – Balance & Regulate your cells

Carotenoid Complex – Protect your cells


13 Gorter, E.; Grendel, F. On bimolecular layers of lipoids on the chromocytes of the blood., Journal of Experimental Medicine 41: 439-443, 1925

14 Hodgkin, A.L.; Keynes, R.D., Active transport of cations in giant axons. – Journal of Physiology, 128:26-60, 1955

15 Chapman, D. Lipid dynamics in cell membranes. Cell membranes: Biochemistry, Cell Biology and Pathology, pp 13-22, 1975

16 Kubena, K.S.; Fat and mineral metabolism as affected by source of fat and exercise in rats. Texas A&M University, 1987 (unpublished)

17 Whole grain intake may reduce the risk of ischemic heart disease in death in post-menopausal women: The Iowa Women’s Health Study, Am J Clin Nutr,

1998 68:248-257

18 Whole-grain consumption and risk of coronary heart disease: results from the Nurse’s Health Study, Am J Clin Nutr, 1999 70:412-419

19 Whole grain consumption and risk of ischemic stroke in women: A prospective study. JAMA 2000; 284:1534-1540

20 Consumption of a functional oil rich in phytosterols and medium chain triglycerides oil improves plasma lipid profile in men; Human Nutrition & Metabolism, May 2005: publ on-line

21 Phytosterols as anticancer dietary components: Evidence and Mechanism of Action; Human Nutrition & Metabolism, May 2005: publ on-line

22 Minhajuddin, M., University of Rochester: Food and Chemical Toxicology; May 2005

23 Rice bran oil and cholesterol, Am J Clin Nutr; March 2005

24 Whole grain intake and cardiovascular disease: A meta-analysis; Mellen, P.b., et al; Nutrition, Metabnolism & Cardiovascular Diseases; published on-line 10.1016

Pro Vitality Nutrition: The Evidence Continues to Build

Pro Vitality Nutrition: The Evidence Continues to Build

Scientific evidence reinforcing the importance of key whole food nutrients in maximizing health, vitality and longevity, continues to mount. The nutrients contained in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and fish are so strongly connected to preserving health and wellness, that authorities worldwide urge us to increase our consumption of these foods as the primary tool in the battle against chronic disease.

Here are three recent studies from major research centers published in leading peer-reviewed scientific journals that affirm this message:

• Too much of the wrong foods sets a course for disease…

A study published in the August 15, 2007 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) calls attention to the severe health risks associated with our Western diet, grossly deficient in whole-food nutrients from fruits, vegetables, grains and fish, but excessive in processed fats, carbohydrates and calories. While evaluating colorectal cancer recurrence, researchers from the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston demonstrated that 80% of all colorectal cancer cases were both directly or indirectly attributable to the Western industrialized eating habit and preventable with dietary change. Their recommendations for reducing this risk: a prudent diet rich in fruits, vegetables, poultry and fish.1

• Getting an abundance of the right foods is the path to long-term health!

Published in the July 2007 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, researchers from Monash University and the Cancer Council of Victoria, The University of Melbourne, the University of Cambridge and St. Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne report that, “This combination [of fruit, vegetable, and omega-3 dietary content] is believed to have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-thrombotic properties that reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by 30%”. These nutrients have also been shown to lower the rate of incidence for obesity and various cancers.2 Evidence demonstrating the health benefits associated with these foods was also described by a study conducted at the Harvard School of Public Health in 2007 suggesting that higher intakes of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory micronutrients are associated with lower reports of cough, respiratory infections and less severe asthma-related symptoms.3

• Much is lost to industrialized growing and processing!

According to a research from Wageningen University in Holland published in the November 2005 issue of the Journal of Food Chemistry, nearly every phase of processing from “farm-to-fork” reduced the level of the healthy phytonutrients in fruits and vegetables.4 Data presented by researchers from the Department of Soil Sciences at the University of Wisconsin – Madison confirms that while great advances in crop yield have occurred in the last 50 years, nutrient content has been under siege and declining5. A similar review of data published by the USDA’s ARS Nutrient Data Laboratory shows “a sharp decline in the minerals in foods since the last comprehensive survey [nearly 20 years ago]”

Modern industrialized diets are directly linked to disease.

The diet that has dominated the industrial world for the last few decades is directly related to the epidemic of chronic disease6. Foods consumed by the average human today are not only energy dense and nutrient-deficient, but also lack the nutritional diversity fundamental to healthy human biochemistry. Overflowing with processed fats, carbohydrates and chemicals alien to the human food chain, the modern-day diet leaves us overfed, under-nourished and needlessly exposed to vitality-robbing health problems.

Whole food supplementation: A strategy that works.

Changing our diets is not an easy or convenient transition for someone living in the quick pace of the modern industrialized world. But we know that nutritional supplementation that is well formulated and derived from whole-food sources actually found in the human food chain can fill in the gaps left by the modern industrialized diet. It supports our body in producing energy, and promoting vitality and long life.

Pro Vitality Nutrition – Whole Food Nutrition for Lifelong Health and Vitality… in convenient, on-the-go packets

Starting with my next post, we will look at three GNLD products that can help solve this health crisis:

Tre-en-en Grain Concentrates – Feed your cells

Carotenoid Complex – Protect your cells

Omega-III Salmon Oil Plus – Balance & Regulate your cells


1 The Journal of the American Medical Association; August 2007, Vol. 298, Number 7, pp 754 to 764

2 American Journal of Clinical Nutrition; July 2007, Vol. 86, Number 1, pp 221-229

3 Burns, J. Low Dietary Nutrient Intakes and Respiratory Health in Adolescents. Chest. July 2007; 132:238-245

4 Journal of Food Chemistry; November 2005

5 Annual meeting of the Soil Science Society of America, November 2000.

6 Popkin, B.; global nutrition dynamics: the world is shifting rapidly toward a diet linked with noncommunicable diseases. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition; Vol. 84, pp 289-298, 2006

Great news from the leading edge of science!!!

We want to share with you the exciting news that GNLDs Omega-3 Salmon Oil Plus clinical trial, that proved beyond a doubt the power of this fabulous product, was accepted for oral presentation at the annual meeting of the American College of Nutrition (ACN).  This is a very prestigious event.  Anyone who has been around large scientific organizations such as the ACN will tell you that only a small portion of the scientific work done each year (as little as 1 in 10,000 pieces) is afforded such an opportunity. This is another great endorsement of the timeliness and validity of scientific work the GNLD Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) is doing, and another sign of the respect GNLD, the SAB, our products, and our science are given throughout the scientific and academic communities.
The presentation, titled:  EFFECT OF OMEGA-3 FATTY ACIDS SUPPLEMENTATION ON MARKERS OF CARDIOVASCULAR HEALTH AND INFLAMMATION was made by Dr. Carughi on October 3, 2008.  It should be published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition shortly. The session was not open to the public, but we will make sure to keep you posted on this exciting event and make the actual study available as soon as we can.

The holidays are upon us and “theme” Gift Baskets are extremely popular!

Why not create your own using the fantastic GNLD Products that you know and trust? Here are some ideas:

A “Green” Basket:

Take a green metal or wicker basket and fill it with G-One Laundry detergent, NBC, LDC, Super 10, and Green. Add a scrubbing brush and natural sponges for a clean and green look!

Whimsical “His and Hers” basket:

With a Bottle of bubbly—carbonated Aloe of course!—and two champagne glasses, create a His and Hers basket. Add Feminine and Masculine Herbal Complex and you have a fun and useful gift.

Clean and Shiny!

Use a round wicker basket lined with wash cloths, and fill with Nutriance products including: Bath and Shower Gel, Shampoo, Conditioner, and Nourishing Hand and Body Lotion. Add a bath mitt and a Rubber Duckie!

A “Defense!” basket:

In a low basket place cute toy football or hockey players. Surround them with PhytoDefense, Super C threshold control, and Super B threshold control.

Pet-Lover Surprise:

A cute stuffed dog or cat with a bottle of Pet-Pal placed in a food dish will bring a smile to your favorite pet owner.

An “It Takes Heart” basket:

Use a heart-shaped basket and include Salmon Oil Plus, with Vitamin E Plus, and Lipotropic Adjunct.